Title: Postscript
Author: Mark Russel Stanley
Contact: mrs260@sk.sympatico.ca
Series: DS9
Part: 1/1
Rating: PG
Codes: G/B
Summary: Julian reflects on his life after many years.
Warning: violence (see end for spoiler warning)
Disclaimer: Star Trek: Deep Space Nine is the property of Paramount.
This story is copyright 2000 by Mark Russel Stanley, and protected by
fair use provisions in copyright law. This story has never been and
never will be sold: if you paid money to read this, it has left the
author's control and should be considered stolen.
Feedback: Any and all. Criticism welcome.


by Mark Russel Stanley


My life after DS9 unfolded as I never could have imagined.

I could have stayed there, with Ezri, trying to relive Jadzia's life
with her... fooling myself and everyone.

Instead, I went to Cardassia.

On the surface, I was the pretty alien prize of a professor of Hebitian
literature at New Lakarian University... at least for a time. Only
Garak called me pretty after I passed sixty.

I taught xenomicrobiology and immunology seminars at the graduate
level, and practised at a hospital that took alien patients.

At the same time I was the mitigating influence behind the new
Cardassia. I involved myself in rebuilding and maintaining a fascist
state, arguing with Garak over the problems that had caused its fall
the first time. He always listened to me, even implemented my wishes
occasionally -- he guaranteed the protection of political criticism in
academic discourse, for example. It was partly selfish, of course... he
enjoyed arguing with me in the faculty lounge.

Finally, I was a spy. Garak knew, I'm sure, that I was working both for
him and for Section 31, loyal only to my conscience, choosing sides as
my own ethics dictated.

I loved him... I still love him. We both knew we could trust each other
in that, even if the spy game put us at odds occasionally.

In the end, I can't be sorry for what I've done.

He knew... I could feel it in the set of his shoulders as I embraced
him from behind, a sob escaping from deep within my chest as I slid the
knife between his ribs. He turned around, smiled sadly, and kissed my
forehead gently. "I understand," he whispered as he sank to his knees.


The End


Warning: death story