Note:  This is a sequel to Data's Big Date (in which Data rids the ship of Pulaski).  Can be understood on its own, though!

Disclaimer:  All characters created and owned by good ol' Paramount.  I
reserve the right to let them have a sex life, which Paramount won't.

Warning!  Some sentences may begin with conjunctions!  I tried to take out
most of them, but what the hey, I'm weird.

Warning!  Sappy alert toward the end of the story.  Be careful reading
that part if you have diabetes.

Senior Staffs Meeting    by   J. Juls (

Geordi was pulled from exhausted sleep by the sound of his alarm.  "The
time is 0600 hours," it announced obnoxiously.  He tried in vain to lift
his head off the pillow.  Oh, hell, he couldn't even *think*, let alone
*move*.  He concentrated on waking up, not wanting to put on his VISOR.

"The time is 0610 hours," the loathsome computer intoned.

"Ohhhh," Geordi moaned.  This time he managed to throw the slippery
thermal blanket off and let the cool air start to wake his body.  But he
couldn't seem to marshal the strength to get up.  His mind wandered to
memories of the previous night and the reason for his fatigue, and he
smiled, only then wondering where Data had run off to.  Since the recent
revelation of their feelings for each other, they had spent almost every
evening together--and what evenings they had been!  A smile came to his
face as he remembered the feeling of Data's hot mouth on him and the
orgasm the likes of which he hadn't even been able to imagine only a
couple weeks ago.  Then he got to wondering about Data again:  Every
previous night so far since they had first shared their love, Data had had
to work the midnight shift.  But last night, he had finally been rotated
off it as Worf's turn had come up.  So where was Data?

"The time is 0620 hours," the computer informed him.

"Ohhhh," he groaned.  Then he heard a gentle footstep at his bedroom

"Geordi," Data's mild voice said worriedly, "You should get out of bed now
or you might be late for duty."

"Oh, don't worry about it, Data," Geordi answered, stretching.  "It only
takes me a couple minutes to hop in the sonic."

"But, Geordi, I have synthesized you a balanced breakfast, which you
should eat.  It is not optimal for your physical health to consume
doughnuts throughout the morning as you normally do.  It is likely that
Dr. Selar has told you this as well."  Data's voice was growing nearer,
and now Geordi felt the android's silky-smooth hands around one arm and
behind his neck, lifting gently until Geordi was sitting up.  One hand
then moved to Geordi's thigh, pushing until his legs were hanging off the
edge of the bunk.  Geordi pressed his feet to the floor reluctantly, then
bent over, burying his head in his hands and yawning deeply.  He heard
Data walk away, then silence for a while.

"The time is 0630 hours."

"Agh, I know, I know!"  Finally Geordi gathered his strength and launched
himself in the general direction of the head, a little unsteady on his
feet, but arriving at the door right on target through long practice.

Geordi was in the shower daydreaming, letting the intense sonic waves
vibrate against his skin and through his muscles, when he heard Data's
voice outside the door.  "Geordi!  Your cereal is becoming soggy!"

Geordi sighed and hopped out of the sonic, taking a few moments to shave
the old-fashioned way....  It almost didn't work, too, because Data had
apparently adjusted the shaver some time this morning so it would give him
a fully automatic shave.  "Dang!"  he complained, setting it to manual.

Afterward, he walked unerringly to the closet to pick out a uniform.  When
he touched the hanger where it should have been, however, he felt a bulky
sweater.  Confused, he searched through until he found a regular uniform,
quickly slipping into it.  He found some boots (in the correct place) and
put them on too, then went to sit at the table.

"Ah, Geordi.  Good.  You have just enough time to eat before you must

"The time is 0640 hours."

Geordi sat down and felt around for his spoon.  "Thanks for making me
breakfast, Data.  You really didn't have to."

"But I am only concerned with your health, Geordi.  I have synthesized
shredded wheat with prunes and soy milk, and grapefruit juice.  If you
have time, I have programmed your food slot to produce bran muffins
sweetened with L-sucrose.  As you know, fiber is important for the human
digestive system."

"Umm, Hummm," Geordi acknowledged, gnawing on his shredded-wheat biscuit
for a time.


"Mmmm?"  Geordi munched.

"I have noticed that your closet is not configured efficiently.  I was
studying your clothing arrangement earlier this morning and had ordered
your apparel according to color and function.  However, if I could borrow
your visual acuity transmitter to see the clothing the way you see it, I
would be able to arrange it more appropriately for your visual abilities."

"Well..." [That explains why my closet was all messed up!]  "There's
really no need for that, Data.  I don't usually wear my VISOR while I pick
out my clothes.  It's just a uniform, anyway, so it can't clash."

"Indeed," Data said.  "I had thought you had put it on and removed it--I
*was* confused.  Why do you not wear your VISOR while preparing for work?
It would be much more efficient."

"Well, Data, the VISOR's pretty painful.  I mainly only wear it when I
need to, like on duty.  I get used to it during the day, but in the
morning it's kind of a shock to put it on.  So I wait until the last

"Hm," Data mused.  "In that case, I am sorry I rearranged your closet,
Geordi.  I will change it back this evening."

Geordi grunted noncomittally, chewing his way through more cereal.  The
stuff tasted like partially-processed wood pulp.  "The time is 0650 hours,"
the computer said.

"Look, Data, I gotta go," Geordi said, standing and grimacing as he gulped
his sour grapefruit juice.

"Would you like me to get you anything?"

"No, I'm okay."  Geordi went to get his VISOR.  He came out of the bedroom
and gave Data a quick peck on the cheek.  "I'll haveta take a rain check
on the muffin, Data, okay?"  After all that fiber, Geordi didn't even want
to *think* what bran would do.  He went to his workstation and picked up
the PADD he had been experimenting on dilithium subjunction with--but
there were all kinds of equations that he didn't remember.  He looked at
Data suspiciously.

Data noticed Geordi's stare, back and forth from the PADD to him.  "I took
the liberty of optimizing the dilithium subjunction for the anomalous
subspace structure in the Lambda Lambda Lambda sector.  I know we will not
be there for 3.6 weeks, but I saw the equations on your PADD and...."

"Uh, thanks, Data.  No problem."  Geordi left for Engineering, a little

Everyone seemed to shy away from him when he walked into Main Engineering.
Broccoli even dropped the antigrav module he had been working on.  [Must
be the black cloud over my head,] Geordi thought ruefully, turning toward
his office and the food slot.  "Chocolate-covered raised doughnut,
Bavarian-filled.  Hot coffee, large."  Lighting into the doughnut, he
tapped his badge.  "Lt. Duffy, in my office please."

Duffy arrived as Geordi finished wolfing down the doughnut.  "Duffy, you
take the 0700 meeting today.  I'm gonna get an early start on
the...deuterium control conduits in sector 6."

"Yes, sir."  Duffy looked doubtful.

"That'll be all."  Duffy left.

Geordi burned his throat gulping the last of the coffee; then he took a
tool box and a PADD and headed for the control conduit access.  About
halfway there, the caffeine hit his brain.  [Oh, much better.]

Lying in the narrow access tube, Geordi set about the tedious process of
aligning the conduits.  It was brainless grunt work, something he usually
saved for new ensigns--what must Duffy think?--but Geordi needed time
alone with his thoughts.

At first, Geordi was annoyed with Data [Who did Data think he was, anyway?
Not only was he messing with my quarters and my replicator, but then he
starts doing my work for me too.]  On a whim, Geordi interfaced his PADD
with the ship's computer and looked up everything Data had accessed last

There was no activity until 0330 hours--[0330?  No *wonder* I'm so
tired!]--then the accessing began.  Apparently, as he himself had lain
exhausted, Data had been comparing painting styles of Picasso, T'Prill,
and Bongiix; memorizing all Don-Jatt statistics from 2359 and correlating
them with assault and murder rates on all Starbases, calculating the
trace-element concentrations of anomalous brown dwarf stars in the Delta
88 sector, analyzing the language patterns of the Children Of Tama,
tracing the first 248 Rules Of Acquisition back to ancient Ferengi texts,
[and organizing my closet, adjusting my shaver, reprogramming my
replicator...probably shampooing my carpet for all I know.]

Geordi sighed and disconnected the PADD, then checked the alignment of the
next control element.  He began adjusting it.

No, he realized he wasn't annoyed with Data at all--not in the least.  He
actually felt sorry for his friend.  For Data had never known the comfort
of relaxing, letting his mind wander in any direction; having flights of
fancy; lying in warm afterglow, having given his all in joining, his
muscles twitching ineffectually with exhaustion; letting himself be
enfolded in a lover's arms as he floated in a state between sleep and
wakefulness, losing track of time....

"Whoop!  Whoop!  Warning!  Resonant field applied."

Geordi started.  Whoa, where had he been?  He quickly reversed the
polarity of his sonic driver, readjusting the element.  It was waaay
overcompensated; obviously, he wouldn't get any work done until he thought
of some way to fix things for his friend.  He turned off the driver and
sat up as best he could in the accessway, thinking.  All was facts with
Data:  memorizing, analyzing, comparing, cataloguing.  Yes, Geordi had
seen emotion in Data's face when they had made love; for a brief moment,
as he came, the endless calculations did seem to cease.  But after a few
flicks of the neck to reset his circuits, Data was his old, businesslike
self again.  Half the time, Geordi expected him to hop right up and change
the sheets!  If only there were a way to let Data experience that
dissipated feeling....

After several minutes, when no ideas seemed forthcoming, Geordi dismissed
the whole notion as silly and went back to his alignments.  But some
long-lost fact about Data's circuitry nagged at the back of his mind.


Jean-Luc Picard walked briskly out of his quarters, aware of the contented
smile resting on his features, but not quite able to make himself stop.
On his normally-reserved countenance, he supposed that the
slightly-upturned lips and twinkling eyes advertised themselves as
blatantly as the Cheshire Cat's toothy grin.  However, he didn't really
care right now if all the other officers greeted him with shy smiles,
looking away in embarrassment.

Jean-Luc cared only that he felt contented, relaxed, for the first time
in...maybe in his entire life.  Yes, ever since that bitchy hag, Kate
Pulaski, had been humiliated, tortured, and forced off the ship, and he
had rescued a desperately-miserable Beverly Crusher from her ill-advised
posting at Starfleet Medical, his life had been a major improvement!

Picard, alone in the turbolift, closed his eyes and relived the memory of
how his cock had felt, rock-hard and sensitive, buried to the balls in
Beverly's oh-so-tight asshole, and the deliciously drawn-out orgasm that
had pulsed through him when her muscles....  The turbolift doors opened
suddenly, as did Jean-Luc's eyes.  Pulling his new-style shirt down, he
stepped authoritatively onto the bridge, where Lt. Worf was getting up
from the command chair.

"Report, Mr. Worf."

"We will arrive at Pluntania 2 in 3.6 hours for repairs and shore leave,
sir.  All Starbase departments have reported ready status.  Also, Lt.
Generic broke her arm on the holodeck and is now in Sickbay."

[Ahhh, Sickbay....]  "Very well, Mr.  Worf.  I have the bridge.  Begin day

"Aye, sir."  Worf left the bridge.

Picard sat down and checked his displays.  Not much to do; just wait for
3.6 hours until they got to the planet.  Then he'd leave a skeleton crew
commanded by young Wesley Crusher, who had volunteered to remain on duty,
and see what shenanigans Beverly still had left in her.

As he daydreamed about the things he and the ever-grateful Beverly would
do, Jean-Luc's eye fell on the cause of his happiness, his unknowing
benefactor, the lovable Mr. Data.  Had he known what the ramifications
would be when he had humiliated the execrable Kate Pulaski, causing her to
go bonkers and attempt suicide?  No, the sweet, innocent android probably
had no idea.  Without knowing it, Picard chuckled.  Innocent?  Hardly.
Jean-Luc acted aloof, but the ship's grapevine eventually wound his way

He realized his thoughts had wandered when he felt the gaze of Ship's
Counselor Deanna Troi on him.  She looked from him to Data, then back to
him, and gave him an understanding smile, patting his hand.  Troi, of
course, knew all the details of the Pulaski incident.

They both gazed idly at Data's oblivious back as he worked steadily at
Ops, keeping tabs on all ship's resources and the status of all systems.
[Good, sweet, faithful Data,] Jean-Luc thought, [if only there were some
way to repay him for the service he's done us all.]

The arm of Picard's chair beeped.  "LaForge to Captain," Geordi's voice

"Picard here."

"Captain, may I see you in your ready room when you have a moment?"


"So you see, Captain, right here..."  Geordi pointed to a delicate
component deep inside the small hologram above Picard's desk..."is the
interface.  Thousands of leads from Data's sexuality circuits enter at
this point, and this array here controls his pseudo-emotive emulator.  If
we could just energize enough of these leads, I believe...well, it could
be a...profound experience for Data.  And I think you'll agree with me,
sir...he really deserves it."

Suddenly, an image swam before Jean-Luc's eyes:  Kate Pulaski, hot and
horny and naked, advancing on him, her breasts dangling at her
sides--turning around and bending over to present him her....  He jumped,
blinking.  "If only another medal for gallantry would suffice," he
murmured.  Then he addressed Geordi.  "Lieutenant, I must ask
you...couldn't you just charge these circuits directly?  It's not that I'm
against your plan, but I don't think our chances of succeeding the...the
'old-fashioned way' are very great."

"I thought about that, sir, but the leads are too delicate.  And they're
intimately connected to most of his higher functions.  The risk of
catastrophic brain damage is just too great."

"I see your point, Mr. LaForge."  Picard sighed and sat down, considering
all his options.  The safest course of action was not to try anything, but
he felt deep down that Data deserved a thank-you for his valor--and Geordi
had assured him that no damage would be done to Data using "traditional"
methods.  And they could not use artificial stimulation; one slip-up could
be disastrous.

"All right, Geordi.  I agree.  Data deserves any help we can give him.
How about--after lunch?  In Mr. Data's quarters?"

"Yes, sir!"  Geordi agreed heartily.  "But could you wait until 1400
hours?  I want to tell him privately."  Picard nodded agreement.  "Oh, and

Picard looked at him curiously.  "Yes?"

"It might not be a bad idea to bring Dr. Crusher along.  We could use all
the help we can get."

At this last, Picard smiled gleefully.  "What a capital idea, Lieutenant!"


Data sat at his table, sipping 100 ml of silicone-based lubricating fluid,
25 degrees Celsius.  He wondered whether it "tasted good."  He analyzed
the output from his gustatory sensors, trying to form an opinion.  Did he
"like" it?  Did he "hate" it?  He finally decided he had no idea.  Giving
up on that train of thought, Data sipped again while he analyzed the sense
of taste throughout the galaxy.  The H'Kron from Denuvia 3 thought
Gnib'bura was the best-tasting drink ever and had offered it to the
Klingons upon first contact.  The Klingons had not agreed, obviously; the
results had been disastrous.  Indeed, the Klingon sense of taste was
unique.  Oh-Wan eggs, for instance....  His door chime rang.  "Come in."

It was Geordi.  Now was the time to find out--was Geordi angry with him
after his behavior this morning?  Data had tried to act in Geordi's best
interest, but it had backfired somehow.  He would find out now.

"Data, hi.  May I sit down?"

"Certainly, Geordi."

Geordi pulled out a chair next to Data.  "Look, Data.  I'm really sorry
about the way I acted this morning.  I know you were only trying to help."

"There is no need to apologize, Geordi."

"Thanks, Data, but I'd really like to make it up to you," Geordi
whispered, putting his arm on Data's shoulder.  "After all, we don't have
to be on duty for a couple weeks.  Did you have anywhere you wanted to go
on the Starbase?"

"I am first going to tour the astrometrics laboratory.  I have written a
program which should improve--"  Data felt a hand snake down to his crotch
and begin a gentle massage.  "No, I did not want to go anywhere."


"Good, I didn't either," Geordi cooed, turning Data's chair aside and
settling onto his lap.  Geordi took Data's beaker of fluid and set it on
the table, kissing the android's soft lips while reaching behind his back
to undo his uniform closure.  He felt Data doing the same thing to his own
uniform, and soon they were shirtless.  Geordi broke the kiss.  "I like
these new uniforms, don't you, Data?"  he asked while massaging Data's
hairless nipples.  "They're so much easier to get out of."  Data was
silent now, though, intent on unsealing Geordi's fly, and then he scooped
his friend up and stood, carrying Geordi into the bedroom.  However, as
they crossed the threshold, Geordi stopped him with a word:  "Data."

"Yes, Geordi?"

"Let's try the front room this time."  He smiled.

Data smiled in imitation and turned toward the front room, laying Geordi
gently on the soft carpet.  Geordi slipped out of his own boots and
trousers while Data kissed the base of his neck impatiently.  Soon Data
had disrobed, and his naked body pressed tautly against Geordi, velvet
hands on his dick.  Geordi gasped; all he wanted to do was hump Data now,
and fast, and...he reached down and took the duranium-strong hand.  Data
stopped at his touch.

"What is it, Geordi?"

"Data, uhhhh," Geordi consciously slowed his breaths, drawing slightly
away from his partner.  "I have to tell you something."  Geordi saw Data's
skin grow suddenly cool, as if he were bracing for bad news.  "No, don't
worry, my friend.  It's remember the party the Captain threw
for you in the holodeck?"

"Of course I do, Geordi.  You know I could not forget it."

"Um, yeah.  Well, anyway, the captain and I have been talking, and, well,
we don't think that was a good enough 'thank-you.'  You deserve so much
more.  I mean, for driving Kate Pulaski off the ship."  Geordi realized
that he was stroking himself absent-mindedly.  He stopped, instead keeping
his hands occupied by removing his VISOR and placing it carefully on the
end table.  "I don't know of anyone that would've had the guts to go
one-on-one with her; I don't think even Worf!  And you must've really
given it to her, all right, to drive her insane like that."  Geordi placed
his hands lightly on the android's smooth jaw and forehead, trying to
discern his reaction.  He felt a puzzled twitch.

"I was only trying to function originally, Geordi.  I did not know she
would take it so badly."

How could Geordi make Data understand what he wanted to happen, how he
could help?  "Well, whatever you were thinking, it's the results that
count.  And...Captain Picard's really grateful to you for it.  Beverly is,
too.  We *all* are."  Geordi paused, his hands touching Data's face, to
see whether his innocent friend would understand his meaning.  But Data's
face remained a blank.  "And he's coming over later to thank you for what
you did.  I think Beverly is, too."

"Ah.  You wish me to bring you off quickly so we will have time to dress
before they get here.  I shall do so now."  Data's head descended toward
Geordi's aching member, but, with force of will, Geordi pushed him away.
Data aquiesced, as he always did.

"No, Data.  I was thinking about...well, I've found a way...there's
something I think you'd really like, but it's going to take a few
people...I mean they want to thank you.  We *all* want to thank you.

Finally Data's head twitched to the side with enlightenment.  "Ah," was
all he said, but a small smile played about the corners of his mouth.
Geordi, satisfied that Data understood, removed his hands from his
friend's face and rolled over onto his belly, making sure to keep his
hands away from his cock.  He didn't want to come at least until after the
Captain arrived.  Soon he felt the tapered head of Data's penis pressing
against him, trying to ease him open; Data generated a bit of lubrication
for him and eased in just a tiny bit, causing Geordi to draw in his breath
sharply.  At the same time, Geordi felt a silky hand probing under his
hip; Data was going to pleasure him, too.

"Uh, no, Data, don't do that."  Data stopped all motion, apparently
confused.  "At least not yet.  I don't want to come right away and spoil
your fun," he admitted sheepishly.

Data seemed to accept his reasoning and withdrew his hand, instead kissing
Geordi softly on the back of the neck.  Geordi tried to think of anything
except what was happening as Data probed further inward, always slow and
gradual.  Geordi was able to relax more, and Data finally made it in all
the way and began to move, lingering deliciously inside, then outside,
soon finding a steady pace.  Geordi grabbed the carpet and tried to think
of something else, finally able to relax when Data forced himself in a few
times, more swiftly, his firm sac bumping against Geordi's, and then
stopped suddenly, his breath catching in his throat.

After only a few moments, Data slipped out and climbed off Geordi, his
hand trailing upward over the engineer's buttocks, back, and neck, then
down to his shoulder, lifting up to roll him over.  Data's soft lips met
Geordi's, and soon their bodies were in full-length contact as Data slid
on top, although he was supporting his own weight.  It wasn't long before
Geordi felt Data's dick growing hard again, pressing firmly against his
own ache.  He moaned.

"I am sorry, Geordi.  But are you sure you want to wait?  I find that my
circuit pathways are reinforced by pleasuring you."

[No, Data, I can't wait any longer!]  Luckily Geordi was saved from
voicing that particular thought by the sound of the door chime.

"Who is it?"  Data called.

"It's Jean-Luc and Beverly," came the doctor's voice.

"Come in, please, Captain."


Jean-Luc and Beverly stood at the doorway to the bedroom.  "Please excuse
us for not standing at attention, sirs," Data apologized.

"Oh, don't be silly, Data!"  Dr. Crusher laughed.  "Anyway, you're both
already standing at attention."  Data noticed her eyeing their dicks
appreciatively.  "And call us Jean-Luc and Bev.  I don't think I could get
off with all this 'sir' junk happening."  Hastily Beverly did away with
her clothing, although Jean-Luc seemed a little hesitant at first.
"Jean-Luc!"  Bev exclaimed.  "Why so shy all of a sudden?  You sure
weren't this morning with me!"

Jean-Luc then removed his uniform in a businesslike manner before clearing
his throat nervously.  "Before we begin, Mr. Data, let me reiterate how I
feel about your recent heroic act with Dr. Pulaski.  I am truly grateful."
Then, with no further ado, the Captain knelt down beside Data and Geordi.

"Captain," Data cautioned.  "I should warn you that...."

"Oh, I get it," Beverly giggled.  "Better stop, Jean-Luc.  Never know
where that's been!"  She went to her lab coat and grabbed her one
ever-present accessory, the SteriKleen medical-grade sanitizer, running
the beam thoroughly over Data's cock.   "Okay, Jean, I think it's safe
now."  Her lips quirked in an elfin smile.

"Mm."  Data saw Jean-Luc trying to pull down his shirt; then realizing he
didn't have one on.  He abruptly took Data's erect cock in his mouth.

Once again Data felt the wonder of hot, organic tissue surrounding him,
but it was a little different this time, of course.  Jean-Luc's tongue
worked wonders on him, and the sharp scraping of his teeth as he bit
gently on the tough android components made Data close his eyes to better
concentrate on the physical sensation.  Jean-Luc seemed to urge him
sideways, so he rolled partway onto his side, rewarded with stimulation
even farther down his shaft.  Just as he was getting used to the rhythm,
however, he felt Geordi's familiar, wide hands clinging lovingly around
his waist, and then a prodding from behind as his lover started to stretch
him.  Data felt the involuntary release of anal lubrication that Dr. Soong
had so thoughtfully designed, and soon a familiar surge of stimulation as
his friend penetrated a little, moving in slow, deliberate circles to ease
his passage.  Data's eyes fluttered open for a moment, and he saw a strand
of long, red, wavy hair descend toward his chest; now more strands
followed, and then his face was lodged happily between Beverly's firm
breasts.  As his smooth face rubbed against skin equally as smooth, he
felt her teeth nipping the skin of his chest, soon proceeding over to the
right side to pull at his sensitive nipple.  At this time, her left breast
wobbled enticingly above him; when it dipped down to touch his lips, he
took it in and began to suck in rhythm with Bev's gentle love-nips.  He
felt Geordi penetrate a little farther at the same time as Jean-Luc gave
his penis an especially hard suck; the sensation caused his lips to part
in surprise, making him lose his grip.  Beverly kindly guided her nipple
back to him.  "Keep going, Data.  I was just starting to enjoy that!"

Now Jean-Luc had developed a steady sucking rhythm, and Geordi had eased
in all the way and was making almost-undetectable oscillations.  Beverly
had one of Data's nipples in her mouth and was now tweaking the other with
one hand.  Data grabbed her other breast in his fist, not squeezing hard,
and tried to imagine what it must be like to be a human infant.  He drew
the areola well into his mouth, as he had seen babies do, and began a
steady sucking motion that drew a gasp of surprise from Beverly, but he
knew that the pressure he was applying was not hurting her.  He felt a
contented sigh rise up in his chest, gave in to it, something he had only
simulated in the past.  With only slight effort, he was able to integrate
all the different sensations--Jean-Luc's hot, energetic mouth, Geordi's
firm pressure from behind, the wet touch of Beverly on him, and the
satisfaction of suckling on her--into one varying buzz of pleasure.


Deanna Troi was putting on her swimsuit in preparation for shore leave.
She had heard that Pluntania 2 had wonderful beaches of warm, purple sand,
and she wanted to check them out first thing.  But one last
slightly-compulsive task had to be done.  Whenever she left the ship, she
opened her mind to assess the crew's emotions, just to make sure
everything was as it should be.  She stretched out on her bunk, wearing
only her bikini bottom, and let down her mind shield.

"Ohhhhhh," she moaned suddenly, for a wave of incredible horniness spiced
with sharp spikes of pleasure assaulted her senses.  She felt a rush of
fluid between her legs and almost came--but it was too late.  By reflex,
she had begun closing her mind against the intense invasion, and the
feelings diminished.  [Maybe I don't need to go swimming after all, if I
can find out where the party is.]  She reflected on the mindprints she had
sensed.  They all seemed familiar, as if they were good friends of hers,
although she could not sense the signature of Will Riker among them.
"Computer.  Tell me the location of all the senior staff."

"Captain Picard is in Second Officer Data's quarters.  First Officer Riker
is not on board the Enterprise.  Second Officer Data is in his quarters.
CMO Crusher is in Second Officer Data's quarters.  Chief Engineer LaForge
is in Second Officer Data's quarters.  Counselor Troi is in..."

"Discontinue."  Hmmmm, so there was a party going *Data's*
quarters?  And she hadn't been invited?  Well, she'd fix *that* oversight
right now!  She strode to the door, only noticing after it had swished
open that she was topless.  She quickly ran to the closet and fished out a
floral robe, not bothering to seal it until she was halfway to the

It tickled at the edge of her awareness, this endless pleasuring and being
pleasured.  She kept her mind closed--well, it wouldn't hurt to peek just
a little, would it?

Wham!  The excitement smashed into her like a physical wave.  She
staggered and fell against the turbolift doors just as they were opening;
luckily there was a turbolift there.  She landed on the floor inside the
car, her hand groping her own crotch.  Deanna opened her mind further,
tempted; she felt a peak of ecstasy from someone, which caused her to
climax in empathy....

A while later, a voice spoke.  "Level, please."

[Level?  Oh, that's right.  I'm in a turbolift.  And I'm going
to....*Data's quarters!*]  Deanna had totally forgotten what was going on.
Standing up and smoothing the front of her robe to cover her wet bikini
bottoms, she tried to collect her thoughts.  "Ahem.  Level...level...."

Luckily, at this point she heard a voice.  "Hold the lift!"  A hand
grabbed the door, followed by Miles O'Brien.  He was looking at Deanna
with concern.  "Are you all right, sir?"

Deanna tried to sort out her thoughts.  "Um, yes, I, um, I just
forgot...what deck does Mr. Data live on?"

"Lt. Commander Data's quarters located on Level 2," the computer butted in

"Oh, that's right, the computer knows all that stuff!"  Deanna exclaimed.

"Ah--Level 6," Miles said.  "And would you like to go to level 2?"

"Ummmmmm, yes."

"Level 2."

Deanna stared at Miles hungrily while the turbolift took her to her deck.
When the doors opened, she invited, "Maybe you could join us, Miles?"

Miles gave her a funny look.  "Ah, maybe later, Commander.  I have a lot
of people to beam down."

But Deanna was already leaving, having forgotten all about Miles.  She got
to Data's quarters and rang his doorchime.  No one answered after a few
seconds, so she sampled the emotional state of the room.  Before she knew
it, she had barged right in.


Data felt Geordi's thrusts into him grow stronger and faster.  He wondered
whether he should warn Geordi of the probable results; then he decided
that his friend had waited long enough.  Soon he felt a last shove from
behind him, felt the hot liquid filling him, and....  While he had been
concentrating on Geordi, he had not noticed how close he was himself.  One
final swallowing motion from Jean-Luc pushed him up and over the hill
before he could stop it.


By the time the power throughput to his cognitive centers had diminished
enough for him to think once more, his door had swished open to admit
Counselor Troi.

"Data!  Do you mean to say you were having this much fun and didn't invite
me?"  Data only stared at her, momentarily disoriented as Beverly leaned
back to manually stimulate his nipples and Geordi moved around to tickle
his toes.  He was surprised, too, when his Captain began maneuvering to a
posterior position.

"Sorry, Deanna, I was going to call you later.  But things just got off to
such a good start...," Geordi admitted.  Data took a gander at the
counselor's moist bikini bottom and concluded that, contrary to first
appearances, she had not been swimming.

"I do not understand exactly why all of this is happening, Counselor, but
you are welcome to join us."

Commander Troi smiled and slipped out of her scant clothing.  "Okay, but
only if you promise to call me Deanna."

"Certainly--ah!"  She was already mouthing his penis.  "...Deanna."  Data
saw Beverly's other breast swing into view as she scooted over to switch
sides, and he felt Jean-Luc's strong fingers massaging his buttocks.  In
the background, Geordi reached into a pile of uniforms and grabbed a
commbadge; he started to speak quietly into it.  Data could only wonder
why....then he stopped wondering as the tension built again in his servos.


Data had never experienced stimulation of so many different locations at
one time.  The intensity of these actions easily overrode the protests of
his modesty program.  After all, were not all these people his good
friends, people to whom he trusted his life every day?  He could trust
them now as well.  Geordi was here with him, and Geordi would never cause
him pain.

Even now, he felt his captain's arms slide up, warm about his waist;
somehow the hug made him feel more human, as if he "fit in" with everyone.
So preoccupied was he with the security of belonging, his peak caught him
unawares in a relaxed, easy climax that loosened all his servos, casting
his arms out to his sides and releasing Beverly's nipple from his
now-sated lips.

"Thank you all so very much for this experience.  Really, what I did to
Dr. Pulaski was purely to satisfy my own curiosity.  Her desertion,
although fortunate, was unanticipated," he meant to say.  But the only
sound to leave his lips was an astonished "Ooooohhhhhhh...."

"Your turn's over, Deanna," Bev demanded.  "I want him now."  And then a
callused but nimble hand was on him, drawing cum down from the tip of his
penis and massaging it in, pumping him back up before she enveloped him in
a warm, pulsing, feminine embrace, sighing as she moved up and down.  Data
wished to tell his benefactors that they had already done everything
necessary to thank him; indeed, they had done more than was required, but
just then Deanna planted a wet kiss firmly on his mouth, invading him with
her snakelike Betazoid tongue, and he noticed his hips start to undulate
without his brain's cooperation as he met her questing mouth with his own.
At the same moment, a soft grunt behind him indicated that Jean-Luc had
climaxed; Data rode the continued thrusts for 17.6 seconds--or was it 17.9
seconds?  Intriguing!  Something was happening to his thought processes,
but he found no error messages in his memory.  He knew he should stop to
perform a diagnostic, but there was no time for that now as the door
signal chimed.

"Come in," Geordi said.

Data was distracted, trying to look toward the door between the curtain of
Deanna's dark tresses, when he felt the amplitude and frequency of
Beverly's oscillations increasing and heard her moan softly.  His eyelids
began to drift shut.  Strange!  He knew that he could open his eyes if he
wanted to, but he realized that he did not want to.  Somehow, everything
was...calmer this way, at least for now.

In his restful state, he heard Mr. O'Brien's musical voice.  "Oh, sorry,
sir, I guess this isn't a good time.  I was worried about Commander Troi,
and the computer said she was here."

"Nonsense, Mr. O'Brien.  We're glad you stopped by.  We need your help
here."  The Captain slipped out from behind him.

"Yeah, didn't you get the message I sent?"  Geordi's voice was near.  Data
opened his eyes just in time to see Deanna move around to the side and
start massaging his shoulders as Geordi kissed him from the other side,
kissed his forehead, his nose, his lips...his lips, his chin...wide lips
and flat tongue sliding down behind him as Beverly bent lower against his
chest, increasing the frequency of her oscillations...Data reached out to
his left to find the sweaty heat of Geordi's butt cheeks and fondle
them....Then his feet were being massaged, perhaps by Mr. O'Brien, but
Data found he did not really care who it was.  His eyes drifted shut once


For hours it went on, at least it seemed like hours; his internal
chronometer had become unreliable long ago.  Likewise, most of his
diagnostics seemed to be offline as well, but somehow he was not
concerned.  An odd inertia, possibly caused by the repeated orgasms,
lulled him as the doorchime continued to sound and various crewmembers
stopped by:  Keiko, Guinan, Selar--indeed, most of the personnel from
Sickbay--Reg, Sonya.  Riker--"I beamed up as soon as I got your message,
Geordi.  What kind of thank...oh!"  Whiskers were somewhat prickly but not
at all unpleasant and imparted a certain kind of tension when rubbed
against one's scrotum, Data found.  He filed the information away in the
event anyone ever asked him about it.  Even Worf was there to show his
gratitude, although he seemed disgusted initially at the "mamby-pamby
human lovemaking." Indeed, Data found the Klingon's love bites deliciously
stimulating as they damaged the surface of his synthoskin, even though he
could tell that Worf found the lack of blood and absence of heavy
projectiles disappointing.  Still, Data admired Worf's devotion to duty.
Fortunately, Data did not remember seeing Wesley; however, he knew that
his memory had not been functioning normally.  Right now, for example, the
exquisitely pleasant massage on the backs of his knees was interfering
with the neural connections in his memory engrams.  Combined with the
orgasm building in him yet again, the sensation made it difficult for him
to remember to breathe--a conscious function for him--let alone form new
synapses, and....  He cried out as he came again.


They were still taking turns.  Some of them would go to the replicator or
to the head, or just rest on his sofa while others took their places.
Data did not know what to think of this procedure, in the few moments when
he had time to think at all.  Geordi had assured him that all this action
had a purpose.  He would have to trust his friend.  His pseudo-semen
reservoir was empty now, but he was intrigued to find that his pleasure
was not diminished; indeed, he could not tell the difference except for
the error message his brain received with each orgasm.  He shunted the
current message into a buffer and immediately forgot about it as Selar's
fingers dug under his hair to massage his scalp and the tide of sensation
took him once more.


Geordi was on him, that much he knew, but somehow he could not discern who
else was where.  "Geordi?" he managed to breathe, a plea for his friend's

"Data," Geordi sighed, bending down belly-to-belly with him, taking his
hands and drawing their arms together, rocking slowly.

"Something is...different."  Data could not think of anything more to say;
the new sensation he felt was beyond words.  It was most certainly
pleasant, however.  His breathing rate was increased, and his sense of
equilibrium was malfunctioning.

"Come on, Data.  Not much farther."  Geordi moved harder on him, his eyes
becoming two white-hot, glowing impulse drives which left feathery ion
trails across space.  Everything else seemed to fade to the periphery.
Data faintly heard a tricorder, near his head, scanning.

"Wonderful," he whispered.  Wonderful, that was all he could think.  One
word, pulsing through his mind and body again and again.  Wonderful.  He
could not hold it.  He came...and began to float away.  Someone was still
scanning.  "Geordi?"  His own voice sounded far-off, a mere whisper.
Indeed, he was not sure whether he had said it aloud.


Flooded in white light, I float up, higher, higher.  I hear a pounding, as
of a hammer.  What is a blacksmith doing here?  Father?  Father is wearing
a rather ordinary outfit; he holds a bird's wing in one hand.  He looks
toward me.

I do not remember you, Father.  Is it you?

Yes, Data.  Welcome.  His eyes twinkle.

In a cloud of steam, he holds me; I have waited so long for this.  I do
not have any desire to let go.  Somehow everything makes sense.  There is
no pain, anywhere.


Am I crying?  I cling to him, but I do not need to.  He is holding me
tight, enveloping me.  We float higher, gliding on new wings.

I see myself in his eyes, his face.  I touch him in wonder.  Time stops.
We are melded.  Higher.


Data could feel himself lying on his back, tucked comfortably into
blankets.  A warm body was beside him; hands lightly stroked him--Geordi's
hands.   Were his eyes open or closed?  It did not matter.  He remembered,
but he did not want to move; he could not move.  He could not think.
Instead, he just existed, for now, only in the present.


Data opened his eyes as his automatic self-righting function activated.
The blankets fell from his chest as he sat up, waking Geordi.  His
chronometer came back on-line, insistent.  Several hours had passed
without his being aware.  Where were the missing memories?  He closed his
eyes to perform a self-diagnostic, and that was when his...dream...came
back to him, in perfect clarity.

"Data?  Come on, relax.  It's okay."

Twitching his head sideways in confusion, Data gradually lay back down as
Geordi tucked both of them back into their cocoon of blankets.   "Indeed,
Geordi.  I believe it is...quite...'okay.'"



The Enterprise was docked at Station Deep Space Nine.  Data was responding
to a security alert in Sickbay.

"You are not authorized to be in this area."  A young, striking man turned
around to look at him.

"Say, you must be the android, Commander Data!"  He seemed fascinated by
Data's appearance.  "I'm Julian Bashir from DS9.  Sorry to borrow your
sickbay, but we just don't have this advanced equipment in our infirmary.
I found this device in the Gamma Quadrant.  No one knows what it's used

Data did not know quite what to say.  Finally he decided upon, "Doctor, do
you not know that there are established protocols for testing unknown and
possibly dangerous equipment, and that they do not include examining it on
an inhabited vessel?"

"Oh, don't worry about it; it'll be *fine*!"  Bashir assured him.  "By the
way, I found this power outlet in the back.  I'd like to plug it in and
see what happens.  Could we take it to Engineering?"

Data was indeed confused now.  Then he had an epiphany!  "Ah!  Is this
another human 'joke'?  I have recently accessed information on April
Fools' Day.  Could your statement be related to it?"

"Huh?  Uh, no.  I'd really like to set this up in Engineering; hook it up
to some diagnostic devices.  See what your officers make of it."

Data found himself growing slightly pseudopiqued.  "Do you mean to say,
Doctor, that you would like to activate an unknown and possibly dangerous
device while surrounded by lifeforms and near to the warp core?"  Data
quickly scanned the machine with his tricorder.  "I am detecting a
1.4-Megadoodle subspace capacitor 2.3 centimeters from the near side of
the device.  Are you familiar with the kind of energy surge that a subspace
capacitor can generate?  It would certainly be strong enough to kill a human
and/or destabilize the warp core, causing a breach."

"Ummmmm."  Dr. Bashir seemed at a loss for words.

They ended up testing the machine on a lifeless planetoid, using remote
probes.  They never did figure out what it was for.  Data dreamed about it
several times, though.