Allia Rose
Baby Sister [Tinga] Tinga and Zack are leaving behind their old lives, including Max, but it seems that Tinga isn't quite ready to give up her sister. PG-13
Children of a Broken World - Just an Hour Set several years after the escape, where is Tinga? Third in a series of vignettes about the post-escape X5s... G
Hejira This is a story about Tinga... begins when she's 17 and goes back and forth. PG-13
Remember? You remember that night? The night you hurt Logan? R
Brynn McK
Copy of a Shadow How Krit spends his time on those long nights out. PG-13
Empress Vader
Body Issues [Tinga] Tinga deals with coming of age in Manticore. G
Young Original Cindy Series Story series based on Original Cindy's young life, loves, and the issues of coming out to her parents and friends. PG-13
However Unlikely Friendship springs up between Asha and Original Cindy. And the already complex love triangle between Asha, Max, and Logan finds a new twist. R
How Original Cindy Got Her Name A silly little short about OC getting her name. G
Discovery Max and Cindy's friendship and Max and Logan's partnership is thrown for a loop when Jondy comes to Seattle. And Jondy discovers a long burried truth about herself. PG-13
Creature Comforts (sequel to Discovery) Max feels she must return to Seattle after months on the road, but homecoming isn't quite what she expected her relationships with Logan and Zack become altered. Meanwhile, Original Cindy and Jondy have problems dealing with their feelings for each other. R
Chemical While Logan is away, Max and Bling play. R

Expectations Brin has a run in with the Colonel. R
Wedding Party Tinga's getting married and Syl and Krit are going. G
Witness Ostensibly a Dark Angel/BtVS crossover, it's really a dark-future story about what would happen if to Slayers if they ever lived to be grown-ups. NR
Jane the Frog on the Wall
Leading Lady Just after the end of "Dead Eyes," Syl thinks about the past, and what Krit means to her. PG-13
Littlest Sister The siblings find out Max is alive, and decide to take her back. But they find out something unexpected, and things go a little nuts. "She" is Syl, in case you're confused. R
Biggest Brother Sequel to "Littlest Sister." After getting Max back, things aren't quite as rosy as Syl and Krit might have hoped. "He" is Krit, "she" is Syl, quotes are from the Wizard of Oz. PG-13
Dead Eyes Seeing Max and Logan all gooey makes Syl a little bitter...alternative shippiness. PG-13. (all part of the Sibling Rivalry series, which can be found here.)
Jude Mustard
The Fallen Birdman Another post-finale fic. Very short. Any more would spoil it. PG
Gather Together and God Bless [Tinga] Even X-5s have something to celebrate at Thanksgiving. PG
The Last Chimera Hanging out with her homegirl, Max learns a little about friendship, and a lot about love. PG
Morning Brin reflects on her decision to go back to Manticore. A drabble. PG
On the Outside After Eva was shot, the order to escape Manticore was never given... Max and the other X-5s struggle with life at Manticore. R
Life on the Outside Sequel to On the Outside. It's 2019; some of the X-5s made it out of Manticore. Where are they now? R
M. Rose
Almost Normal [Sam] Her life was almost normal. PG
The Challenge Brin initiates a challenge to prove she's better than Zack, Max and Jondy. NR
History Lessons Zack explains the world as he sees it. R
Blue and Grey and Black Brin thinks about what she has given up in order to live. PG
Coil Tinga has her own unique way of expressing her freedom. G
Fallen Jace doesn't shake off her training very easily. R
Miaou Syl. Krit. Stuff happens. PG-13
Oranges [Original Cindy] Smut-lite. R
Promises To Keep Charlie tries to deal with what he found out about Tinga. PG
Sleeping Brin considers the changes that have taken place since her return to Manticore. PG-12

Inspired By: She Ain't Heavy A collection of drabbles and shorts featuring Logan, Alec, Sam (X5 453), and Sam Carr on a variety of subjects: xenophobia, the raid on Eyes Only, and the events of the episode, in general. PG
Rach L.
The Ice Palace A *dark* interpretation of how things could have turned out if Max and the others had not escaped from the Manticore facility. "Only when spring comes, it'll melt. Only then the ice palace will fall." R
Much Abides [Sung] The aftermath of "Out" for Detective Matt Sung. PG-13
Reindoctrination [Brin] Brin gets reindoctrinated. PG
Caribbean Blue Whatever became of Jace? PG-13
The Inimitable Pooh Bah
Wasted Time Original Cindy loves and loses. PG
Raindrops on Roses Original Cindy drops by Logan's place. PG
To An End [Krit] It's amazing how low some people will stoop. R
If Scheherazade [Krit] Ben goes from love to obsession to insanity. R
War Dead [Krit] Syl has some problems letting go. R
A Short Satire II: Don't Be Piratin' No Music, Mon Herbal Thought discovers another wicked delivery. PG