Sestina Elaine is strong, her brother is sexy, and Giardello (Homicide) is still loud after death. NR
Katherine F.
Morning Glory [Volpe] A somewhat late response to the wankfic challenge -- takes place in the Volpe Universe, so you should read at least "Kahlua" and probably also "Volpe" before this, just so's we're on the same page. NR
Everybody Knows (Except You) -- 1: Huey and Dewey [Huey] The first in a series of self-contained vignettes about the way other characters see Ray and Fraser's relationship. PG
How Glory Goes: These stories are about those delightful girls who never get enough love in due South fandom. They're about Francesca, who doesn't count costs, and Elaine, who doesn't always say what's on her mind. The title comes from a song of the same name, which I heard sung by Audra McDonald on her album of, well, the same name. The full line is, "Only heaven knows how glory goes, what each of us was meant to be / in the starlight, that is what we are / I can see so far." It's real pretty, just like Franny and Elaine, just like slowly falling in love. NR
Rival [Volpe] The mind of a jealous, imaginative man is a terrible thing to waste. NC-17
Kahlua [Volpe] Ray makes a new friend. NC-17