Conversation Over Coffee Intelligence test. NR
Grey Bard
Modest Proposal Pragmatism rules. PG-13
Of Our World The Holy Trinity in Space. Some religious stuff and gun-related imagery. PG.
The Floating World Murphy's Law remix
Katarina Hjarpe
A Light to Bring to Revelation "He's been having nightmares most of his adult life." The quest for a man of evil to find atonement. PG-13.
Lemon Lashes
Creating Space Sex and lightly frittered Zoe angst, fortunately not in the same room. R
Sojourn on Beaumond Jayne plays with his rainstick, Mal tries out the airflow again, Zoe kicks, Wash has flashbacks. NC-17
Tailor Made Something ends. Something begins. Something just is. NC-17
[Note: These stories are part of a larger series by Lemon Lashes. The rest of the stories can be found here .]
Fragment Quivering It was but yesterday I thought myself a fragment quivering without rhythm in the sphere of life. Now I know that I am the sphere, and all life in rhythmic fragments moves within me.- Kahlil Gibran, Sand and Foam.
The Uses of Temptation Book comes to a decision about his life on Serenity. G
Different for Girls Zoe teaches Kaylee how to tie stronger knots. R
Nicole Clevenger
Dish Duty Set a few days after the events of "War Stories." Zoe's stuck doing the dishes. PG-13
Transport Pre-Firefly. Zoe and Mal, after the events at Serenity Valley. R
If All the World Wash/Zoe. PG-13
Cradle Elbows Wide The Battle of Serenity Valley was the tail end of the Independent rebellion, and a siege lasting two months. At the end, the dead of both sides combined numbered half a million. I have no idea how many numbered the living.
Idle Conversation [Firefly/Sandman crossover] Zoe has a visit from a tall, dark stranger. G.