remember us

Fanfic on Remember Us

Content of fanfic on Remember Us is the responsibility of its author(s). The archive makes no claims for fanfic displayed or linked through these pages. Some content may be inappropriate for minors; some stories have ratings, some don't. When in doubt--read the story description and any Author's Note(s).

If you wish to have the links to any of your stories removed, just let somebody know and we will do so immediately.

Alphabetical by fandom/canon title

Harry PotterHarry Potter

Enough characters of color to start a quidditch team.


Thanks, Tom Fontana.

I SpyI Spy

So much better than Leonard Part VI.


I don't know about you, but I always trusted Lee Chen.

Law & OrderLaw & Order

You can't escape the long arm of syndication.

The Lone GunmenThe Lone Gunmen

It's a conspiracy, I tell you. C-O-N-spiracy.

Magnificent SevenMagnificent Seven

Remember the healer?

Marvel ComicsMarvel Comics

Xavier's dream involves spandex? OMG mine too!

The MatrixThe Matrix

Do you think that's air you're breathing?

Miami ViceMiami Vice

The man. The city. The decade. The pastels.


Welcome to Emerald City.

Pitch BlackPitch Black

You're not afraid of the dark, are you?

Red DwarfRed Dwarf

Hey--he's not a hologram!