Good Morning, Good Morning Uhura considers the possibility of a new hobby becoming regulation. R
A little something Kirk asks Spock for a favor and he obliges him. NC-17
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How It Happened How it happened that Uhura did a favor for Brightspot to-Ennien. NC-17
Probings Uhura takes matters into her own hands when Decker can't succeed with the Ilia-probe. NC-17
Forever Would Be Just Long Enough Uhura is in San Francisco giving a series of lectures atthe Academy. While there, she meets up with Kirk, a newly-promotedadmiral, and they discover that their feelings for each other are not entirely professional. NC-17.
Intermission 3: Girls In Space Be Wary Spock and Uhura are enjoying a rare moment of music in the rec room ... and then the young stranger, Charlie Evans, walks in. G
Intermission 5: Sticks and Stones There is a lesson Spock needs to learn ... and Uhura is the one who will have to teach it. PG
Intermission 9: Tell Me of Vulcan Uhura tries to draw Spock into a conversation, but learns of the two sides of the man. G
All part of the Intermission series, all of which can be found here.
Namesake Her son turns ten this year. NR
Little Red Miniskirt An old story retold... R
Just Like Daddy A drabble featuring Uhura. PG
Eulogy: Uhura Uhura gives her eulogy at Kirk's funeral. G
The Winds of Eternity Spock and Uhura experience odd side effects after a failed mission to aide two elderly survivors of a crashed and stranded spacecraft. R
A Woman's Touch Although Saavik is thriving under Spock's care, Uhura points out that he has left certain gaps in the child's education and volunteers to help. PG-13
The Taste of Snow Uhura and McCoy make a hurried trip to Dantria after Uhura receives a message from Spock. R
You Would Even Say She Glows Shortly after she and Spock secretly begin their relationship, Uhura throws a Christmas party. PG-13
Almost A Kiss Uhura welcomes Spock back to the Enterprise after the year he spent raising Saavik. NC-17
The Flame Within After having been involved with one another for six months, Spock and Uhura must deal with some changes in their lives. NC-17
To Old Friends When Kirk invites some friends over to his apartment, Spock and Uhura encounter each other for the first time in over a year. PG
The Adventure Saavik asks Uhura to take her on an exciting vacation, but everyone encounters more excitement than anyone wanted. PG-13
The Other Woman Saavik, now a cadet at the Academy, calls Uhura for help during a crisis. PG
The Kobayashi Maru Series: Uhura becomes the first officer of the Enterprise during Saavik's last year at the Academy.
The Secret Gate While on vacation in Greece with Spock and Uhura, Saavik, now twenty-four, meets a boy who isn't quite as stupid as all the others. PG-13
A Roll of the Dice Upon returning to the Enterprise after a scientific conference, Spock discovers that everything is not as it seems. PG-13
The Real Thing Kirk, Spock, and Uhura reencounter their old friend the Squire of Gothos, who takes them back to one of the most violent periods in the history of Earth. PG
The Most Forgiven Kirk, Spock, and Uhura clash over the events surrounding the Khittomer peace treaty. R
Listening for the Waves When Saavik helps Spock and Uhura move into their new home on Vulcan, she finds that their lives may not be the only ones changing. R
Bright Shining As The Sun Ten months after Kirk's death, Spock and Uhura must deal with another loss, while at the same time she learns that there's more to fitting in on Vulcan than she'd realized. PG
Sparrows While on Earth with Uhura, Spock remembers something that happened twenty-six years before. NC-17
Utoto A young human named Perrin enrolls at the Vulcan Science Academy and becomes a student of Spock's. PG-13